Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I was just walking through the house and - you know how sometimes certain smells make you think of a certain thing? I smelled ... my cousin's house when we were little. I can't really describe it, but I just got a flash of being six years old sleeping over at my aunt's. It smelled like apple juice and play dough and popcorn and Vegi Tales playing in the background, though that's not so much a smell as part of the memory. Smelled like summer. Hmm. Maybe that's just a little kid smell?

I get that quite a bit actually - certain smells suddenly remind me of a certain memory. Even when I'm not certain what exactly it is that I'm remembering. Isn't it weird how your sense of smell is often linked to memories? You wouldn't think it, but it is.

Anyway, leaving in a few minutes for a writer's critique group. Again, slightly intimidated. Just remembered that I hadn't blogged in a few days, and so should really get back into that. Again.

Might add more to this when I get home, but if not, I bid thee farewell.


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