Monday, January 25, 2010

I hate cold weather. And text books.

After fighting with the locks on the doors, Sarah finally makes it into the house and, shivering, runs to the kitchen to boil some water. Hunting down some dry socks, Sarah ignores those voices in her head (sounding suspiciously like Lauren and Taylor) telling her that it's only a California winter, and she's being a wuss. Sarah knows she is a baby about cold weather, and doesn't need to be reminded, thankyouverymuch. As she turns the computer on, she laments the loss of a perfectly good day of nothing-ness. (In case you couldn't tell by now, Sarah would prefer to stay in bed all day. Every day.) But her nephew had decided that morning that he really really missed her, and she couldn't say no when her sister asked if she wanted to come over. She spent that afternoon eating pudding with a toddler spoon and playing with play-dough. She rather enjoyed it.
Taking a sip of her newly made coffee, Sarah types:

Can I rant about cold weather? Can I please?

Okay. I do not do cold weather. Like, my toes are constantly frozen and I'm just cold and miserable. (Give me snow though and I'll be like "SNOW! LOOKIT! SNOW! 8D *runs around like a dork*") Stupid rain. I love it, but after a week of rainy weather, I'm tired of it. It just gets everything wet and then you have wet socks and your toes are even MORE colder. And not even coffee helps.


So, I have to do History tonight. I really want to start my Lit class. (The school really needs to get it together! C'mon!) It looks really good! And they make you read good books and it looks like it actually requires some iota of brain power! /dances spaztically
History is actually really good. It's fairly interesting, the way it's written, and they have a lot of supplementary material available. They give you a lot of links to a lot of resources and tell you to go do your own research. I like it so much better than text books.

There is no real theme to this entry, I don't think. I didn't get to take any photos today. But it's okay because I spent the day with the baby. :3

Truths (being my NaNo novel) is moving along again. I'm less angry at it.

My piano smells like dark polished wood.
... we really need to get those strings put in. /pianofail


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