Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Muse Validation: A Nerdrant

Sarah balls up the Reeces wrapper into a small pellet of foil and flings it toward the empty cup. It misses, which is a little sad considering the cup is about a foot away from her. She is glad that there is no one else in the room to see that. She frowns and then decides to stop eating chocolate and write the blog.
Vaguely wondering the origin of the word 'blog', Sarah sets about writing:

So, my major accomplishment of the day was a unit of History. Absolutely thrilling.

I think we're going to talk about Scalar Waves today. It's a pseudoscientific branch of theoretical science. Basically, it's not a big part of mainstream science because it's very different and breaks all the rules.

Scalar Waves - they're these energy waves that are completely unique. Their wave format is different than any other electromagnetic wave, though it moves very similarly. (I could be all technical, but won't.) Because of that, the waves can pass through most matter with ease. (Glass, I think, being something it resonates off of, where it passes through anything else.)

So, to make a scalar wave transmitter - here's where it becomes interesting. See, you need to create a powerful negative/positive pull between two magnetic fields, in order to create scalar voids. Again, boiling down to necessities: It comes to a counter-wound two antennae deal. Basically, it's very like the structure of DNA.

Scalar energy - also called zero point energy - is the all-pervading energy that fills everything. (Take into consideration that energy is never completely gone, and can never completely be eliminated; only changing into another form.) No one is completely sure where scalar energy originates from. It's just, everywhere. All the time.

So, we've got this energy, coming from who-knows-where, and it reacts with the structure of our DNA.

Hence, my muse was validated. If I ever felt the need to be technical in Truths, that would be the basic explanation. (Of course, taking a bit of artistic license.)


Blog: A contraction of the term "web log."
... wtf, that's boring. /expected better



  1. At which point the "incoherent" part of the title makes itself known.

    Seriously, though, that's nifty. You sound like you know so much. And, for the record, the rule is "Energy cannot be created or destroyed," as I have obediently parroted many times from my science book. ;3

    Still, this wave stuff is neat.

    "Web log"? That's IT? Nah, there's gotta be more to it. Maybe the government is hiding the answers?

  2. Hah. For me that was practically coherent!

    Research is fun. ;3 And for the record, that's where the 'rambley' part comes in. (I totally don't remember what exactly I said, and refuse to scroll up and look just on basic principle. You good little parrot! ;D)

    I know! It MUST be the government. It's a conspiracy!
