Sunday, January 24, 2010

"NaNoWriMo" and "coherent" do not belong in the same sentence.

Sarah pulls up the blogger page in hope of putting off rewriting that scene. It doesn't work so well, as her mind still dwells on the story, but she really doesn't like the scene she's on, and is therefore angry at the book, and refuses to look at the document. Taylor is being a wonderful distraction, in the form of Penta, (See Cee's latest post for info on Penta; I will refrain from ranting about it now for fear of sounding like a copycat.) but, alas, that has run out and left Sarah to face her wreck of a NaNo.
Sarah feels she should set the scene.
Music: Diary of Jane (for about the hundredth time today)
Setting: On bed, surrounded by a buncha pillows and blankets, having decided that getting out of bed and looking presentable was not worth it today.
Mental state: debatable. Mostly bored, but also frustrated.
Sarah supposes she can't put off blogging any longer, and therefore types:

So, I was going to explain NaNoWriMo today. Not that I really expect anyone but a select few to read this. And those few will - undoubtedly - know what NaNo is. But, I'll probably be ranting about it - or the byproduct of it - a lot in the near future, so I'd feel better knowing that I had explained myself.

NaNoWriMo (or National Novel Writing Month) is a worldwide event (don't let the "National" part confuse you! It just sounded better than International. InNaNoWriMo. No.) where that special brand of writer decides he or she is going to attempt to write 50,000 words in a month. (November, in case you were wondering.)

So, thousands of writers, probably not completely sane; a creative explosion of words and frenzied bursts of intuition, ignored plot holes, frantic dialogue, and too much coffee.

Thank goodness for internet. All of that awesome concentrated in one place would probably blow a hole in the earth.

I really love NaNo. It was my first time, this November, and it was just amazing. ('Course, it wouldn't have been half as amazing without the friends I made along the way - I love them. :3) It was, honestly, one of the best things I've ever done. It's not so much about the writing - even though it is. (Wonderful logic, Sarah.) But you're not looking to come out of there with a good novel. The whole thing - for me, at least - was about being able to let yourself go and just. write. It might be horrible. I might go back and say "Oh, did I really write that?" with a grimace, but the thing is - it's written. That is 50,000 words of a story that was not there before. And now I've got it to polish up and make ... coherent.

Of course, that whole polishing and rewriting and revising thing is a whole other battle. But that's for another day.


I really wanna pull out the good camera and do some photography. Probably will tomorrow. It's all rainy. Might be some good photos.
/really misses photoshop



  1. That was your first NaNo? O: *did not know* Well, I'm glad it was fabulous.

    And yay photography!


  2. Oh, and, I'm glad that I distracted you. :3 *forgot to say*
