Sunday, January 31, 2010

Death by health, and hell-clouds.

Sarah flops onto her bed and pulls the laptop toward her. (She just retyped 'laptop' about ten times. "lao- no, laptpo- no, argh. Latpo -- No! D< )"
Her limbs feel as if they have been replaced with Jell-O. That vague tingly-wiggly feeling that means she will be in pain tomorrow. Swimming pools, she decided, were the new best thing ever invented.
And with that thought, she set off typing:

So, my mom's decided we are going to be healthy people and go the gym and exercise and stuff. Which is cool. Just not at six AM. Finally she went at a sane time, and managed to drag me along. (She might've gotten a promise outta me to actually make an effort to go to the gym n'stff.) So, the few hours at the gym went quite like this:

"You're trying to kill me." I told my mom, breathing heavily, sitting on one of those bike things. Those are stupid cause you sit there and pedal the hell out of the thing, and do you move? Not one inch. I glared at her without much feeling. It probably looked more like a petulant pout. Urgh.

She smiled and said, "Quite the opposite, lovie, I'm making you have a long and healthy life."

"Hah!" I scoffed. "I know your plot. Death. Death by ... health." (What were those stupid bike things called, anyway?)

She laughed.

Holding my head up imperiously, I turned away trying not to collapse from my jelly-legs. "I am going to the pool." I totally wasn't smiling.

Yes. Altogether it was a fun day, and I didn't mind the exercise. The pool is great. It's large and good for laps. And then they have this room. I swear, the room - it's like, you walk in and it's like you've stepped into a cloud.

In hell.

It's freakin' HOT. And like, full of steam. Everything's WHITE like, you could see six inches in front of you maybe. It was so cool. I felt like a steamed vegetable. It was great.

So, altogether, not a day wasted.

Yes. That was my daily ramble.

So, regarding Truths, I had a brainwave last night, just as I was falling asleep. And then I woke up and didn't remember. And then I found a text from myself. I'm so brilliant.
So now I need to write it. =/ Work it out all the way. At least my plots moving again!


I think I have a problem, I think I think too much.
... Maria Mena, you have a way with words. xD /loves music right now

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