Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Adorable Nephew.

So, I need to write a blog quickly while The Adorable Nephew is distracted.

I'm at my sister's. She's all pregnant-like, and I'm just hangin around and helpin out. (Hah, its so fun to leave the 'g's off the end of words. Makes me feel cool.) I had pad thai for lunch. It was yummy. The Nehpew and I played outside. That was fun. I've rediscovered my love for crayons and play-dough, and have decided that I want to be a toddler. I'm getting over a cold and still have a stuffy head, but two-year-olds don't care. They have just as much energy as ever. Probably more. We went shopping, and I was hanging out outside the store, cause he doesn't like going into stores and staring at clothes. I swear, the whole time he was running. Full speed. He wouldn't. stop. I nearly passed out. It was really cute. He got stickers, and thanked the lady at the register, which sounded more like, "Chan-choo laydee." It makes my heart melt.

(As a side note: 20th post!!!)

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