Sunday, February 7, 2010

Green: fail

Okay, so I've been promising a good post for a few days now. Sorry. I'll do that today. (No I won't.)

So ... I kind of don't feel like putting up the effort. We get to talk about my punishment.

I bought hair dye today. It was green. It doesn't show up on my hair very well. It kinda tints it a green-ish color. We're gonna get this gel stuff. Maybe that'll show. Um. The lady at the shop thought I was crazy when I tried to explain WHY exactly I needed a non-permant hair dye, preferably in the neon variety of color. Or maybe I just amused her. I'unno.

"So ... why exactly is this for?"

"Um," I really wanted to just say its a dare, and leave it at that, but that would be a lie. And lying is bad. So. Long explination. Sorta. "My friends and I have this blog thing, that we're supposed to do every day. And I didn't. So, I have to do this."

"Uh-huh." She said uncomprehendingly, and proceeded to explain which dye we probably wanted.

I picked the bright green, because it looked the most likely to show up on my hair. At the cash register, the girl asked again, "So, explain again why you're dying your hair green?"

I took a breath. "My friends and I had this challenge to each other. Blog every day. I missed a day. So now I have to do something stupid and put it on youtube. They chose dying my hair some funny color." I shrugged as she laughed.

And so I think she was amused by me. I feel very interesting. LIke, do you ever wonder what your'e like to other people? To her, I was some random kid dying her hair green because her friends told her she had to. I'm sure I was the most odd costumer of the day.

Anyway. That is how my punishment is coming. Once I find a dye that works, I will show you what I look like with neon hair.

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