Monday, February 15, 2010


So, did everyone read that Gob post the other day, when our Goblin was hyper and bouncy, and couldn't turn off the CAPS LOCK button?

Yeah, that's how I am right now!

Except it kinda sucks cause I'm tired and probably have to get up early tomorrow, and I might be getting sick again cause my sister is. So I want to sleep. But I'm bouncy. I'm sure listening to bouncy loud music doesn't help. At all.

Agh. What do I have to say!

Oh! I got new sunglasses today! I used to have really cool ninja sunglasses. But then I forgot them in my friend's purse, and then said friend moved to Oregon. So I was like, whatever, you can have them, no big deal. Only then I didn't have sunglasses for a long time, especially when I was in Hawai'i and actually needed them. So I finally got some today, and it made me so happy! They're not as comfortable as the other glasses, but that's probably just cause they're new and I'm not used to them. Trying on glasses was so fun! There were some that were HUGE, like, not those joke glasses that are huge, they were actual glasses. They were just really big. Maybe I am just small? Either way they covered like half my face and I was like o.O only you couldn't see, cause half my face, particularly my eyes, were covered by sunglasses.

So, that was at Sears. And then we went to Trader Joes, which, in case you don't know, is like a health food store, only its more of a normal grocery store. Only it was still a health food store. I love that place. There are all kinds of good things there. I got hummus and these really awesome blue corn chips that taste really good. It is so yummy. The Nephew likes that store cause they have balloons for him. Though he refuses to let anyone tie it to anything so i'm always afraid its gonna blow away and he's not gonna have a balloon any more. It would be sad.

Anyway, this is what Sarah does when she doesn't want to actually think about her post - ramble about her day. And this is a day she actually did something, so she can get away with it! How happy-making!


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