Friday, February 5, 2010

Shuddup and lemme read! >(

Sarah has this odd habit when she cleans her room - she ALWAYS finds a hat that had been buried for a while. And when she finds this had she is insanely happy. (Sarah only has a handful of hats in the first place.) So, as soon as she and the hat are reunited, she puts it on her head and then wears it for the rest of the time she is cleaning the room. She always gets funny looks, like "Why are you wearing a snow hat in the middle of summer?" but the looks eventually became less and less.
So, with her new favorite hat on, Sarah types:

I'm reading I Dare You.

I have nothing to blog about.

Well I do.

I might later.

But I wanna read.

And not get in trouble again for not blogging.


With that said, I MIGHT come back and write more later.

Or just do it tomorrow.


1 comment:

  1. HA! I'm glad you want to read my book that much and 'grazzles on finding the hat! Cleaning is always good for that.
